Aware of the ever-changing environment in shipping, our firm ensures that it keeps up with the latest international developments in marine technology. By collaborating with all Classification Societies, various educational institutions and Universities worldwide, and by taking part in various research programs, the firm develops innovative technologies and tools in preparation for future challenges.
SEACON STAR MARINE CONSULTING Pte. Ltd. has participated over the past years in the following research projects partly funded by the EU and other bodies:
Human Factors in Risk-Based Ship Design Methodology (FAROS) / FP7-314817 / 2012-2015
The rationalized nature of the Risk-Based Design (RBD) methodology is used to integrate the human element into the ship safety framework and deliver ship concepts (passenger and cargo ships) that are safe, economic and green. This will be achieved by (1) quantitatively linking global design factors to the crew performance failure modes and (2) optimizing multi-disciplinary ship performance using state-of-the-art tools (such as eye tracking technology and virtual reality models), methods and empirical knowledge.
Green Retrofitting of Existing Ships (REFRESH) / FP7-285708 / 2012 – 2015
Acknowledging that newly-built ships will comply with the environmental regulations from the outset and will be more advantageous in comparison to existing ones, REFRESH addresses the aspects of retrofitting that are essential for improving the energy efficiency onboard. The central concept of REFRESH is the dynamic energy modeling, i.e. the simulation of the energy production, consumption and losses over time. This idea is implemented in a decision support tool that allows onboard and ashore personnel to monitor the performance of the ship and adopt appropriate practices as a function of its operational profile. The objectives of REFRESH are:
Development of dynamic energy modeling routines;
Optimization of energy efficiency & air emissions for retrofitting and operation;
Development of a monitoring and management methodology for operation; and
Development of a decision support tool for operation.
Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping (TARGETS) / FP7-266008 / 2011-2014
The prime goal of TARGETS is a global analysis of the most important causes of energy consumption onboard cargo ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach. Having identified resistance and propulsion aspects as primary causes of energy consumption, work will be dedicated to the improvement of such characteristics. In addition, a global energy consumption simulation system will be developed to be applied during new vessel design as well as during operation. Assembling leading European fluid dynamics and energy specialists and major EU shipping operators covering a broad range of cargo transport operations, TARGETS will contribute designs, tools and operational guidelines for an energy efficient operation of cargo ships, and hence make a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas
European Framework for Safe, Efficient and Environmentally-Friendly Ship Operations (FLAGSHIP) / FP6-031406 / 2007-2011
The overall objective of FLAGSHIP is to improve the safety, environmental friendliness and competitiveness of European maritime transport by focusing on on-board systems and procedures, ship management systems on shore, impact of new technology on present ship-, owner- and operator organizations, effective and efficient communication interfaces and impact of standards and regulations. SEACON STAR MARINE CONSULTING Pte. Ltd. participates in this project through Altair Special Maritime Enterprise, a subsidiary of Maran Tankers Management
SAFEGUARD / FP7-218493 / 2008-2011
SAFEGUARD analyses safe evacuation scenarios through computer simulation to assess the evacuation performance of a vessel or class of vessels. SEACON STAR MARINE CONSULTING Pte. Ltd. participates in this project through Minoan
Assessment of Life-cycle Effect of Repairs on Tankers (ALERT) / FP6-031459 / 2007-2009
ALERT undertakes a thorough examination of current practices in the field of ship repair and proposes improvements to the underlying processes in consultation with industry. The project aims to critically review the current and emerging technologies, identify and prioritize future R&D needs and developments in the areas of ship repair practices, condition monitoring of ships, structural assessment methodologies and through-life
Design, Operation and Regulation for Safety (SAFEDOR) / FP6-516278 / 2004-2008
SAFEDOR undertakes to deliver the foundation for Europe to sustain world-leadership on safety-critical and knowledge-intensive ships, services, products, equipment and related software and to instill systematic innovation in ship design and operation by modernizing the maritime regulatory system. SEACON STAR MARINE CONSULTING Pte. Ltd. participates in this project through Altair Special Maritime Enterprise, a subsidiary of Maran Tankers Management
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Fishing Activities (SADC) / NAM/SADC-MCS/01/2001 No. 8. ACP.RAU.001 / 2000-2005
Recording of the existing fisheries situation in southeast and southwest Africa (S. Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Angola, Namibia). Creation of a database, improvement of the fishing activities surveillance and control methods in local and regional level, vessel chartering and management, creation of training infrastructure and centers, etc.
Fast Low Wash Maritime Transportation (FLOWMART) / GRD1-1999-10959 / 2000-2003
The objective of this project was to formulate a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method and software to assess the wave and wash making characteristics of High Speed Craft (HSC). Several CFD technique were developed before validation by means of model testing and full-scale trials on 3 typical hull forms: High Speed Catamaran, Conventional Catamaran and High Speed Monohull. The most promising candidate CFD technique was then combined with both interactive and non-interactive numerical optimization methods and used to develop two demonstrator hull forms (High-Speed Catamaran and High-Speed Monohull) for further testing and analysis. Finally, guidelines and criteria were drawn up covering the effects of wash making on the environment and means by which this can be minimized.
Optimal Maintenance Intervention of Ships in Europe (OPTIMISE) / ESPRIT 25415 / 1998-2000
Development of a robotic mechanism for non-destructive inspection of ship structures (plates and welds) and building of a database with information on the actual condition of the ship’s scantlings.
Development of a Computer-Based System for Enhanced Sea keeping and Structural Ship Design (SHEAKS) / BE97 – 4342 / 1998
Development and validation of enhanced mathematical models and numerical methods by accurately predicting, in a cost-effective manner, the motions and loads of a vessel under different sea conditions. The developed methods are to be subsequently integrated into a new computer-based system for design of ship hulls with superior sea keeping facilities and accurate prediction of sea loads for structural design and analysis.
Design for Ship Survivability (SAFER EURORO) / BE96 – 3905 / 1997-2001
Development of rational, risk-based design rules and intelligent computer-aided design methods with the goal of improving the safety and competitiveness of Ro-Ro vessels.
Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project – Phase II / 7 RPR 372 / 1997
Subcontracted by the IMBC/UNECIA/ASSIST consortium to act as marine engineers and offer expertise in vessel management. Objective of this phase of the project is to create a viable regional fisheries management framework and the creation of the knowledge basis required for the regional management of the lake fisheries.
Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project – Phase I / 5100 36 94 401 / 1994
Subcontracted by the International Agricultural Centre based in The Netherlands to take part in a field survey of the Lake Victoria riparian countries. Objective of the survey was to support a research project addressing the rational management of Lake Victoria’s fisheries resources.
IGADD Fisheries Mission / – / 1994
Subcontracted by the Group de Recherche et d’Echanges Technologiques based in Paris to take part in a field survey of the IGADD member states. Objective of the survey was to support a feasibility study on setting up of training and credit schemes for trades people or small private operators in the artisanal fisheries sector.
SWATH Multipurpose Research Vessel (SMURV) / EUROMAR Daughter Project EU 409 / 1989
Exploration of the potential application of SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin-Hull) concept to a Multipurpose Research Vessel, design and construction of the vessel and marketing of the system